This long established car care and lube center is located in the inner loop near Bellaire and the Medical Center. The shop does basic repairs and maintenance including oil changes, tire rotations and sales, batteries, belts, AC service and more. The building (which is included in the purchase price under a ground lease) features 5 bays, top of the line lifts, a dyno and state inspection bay with a large parking lot. The shop is associated with a national brand. Most of the staff has been at this location for several years, which many have been working with this owner for 10+ years.
Pictured Left to Right: Ryan DeGennaro (CBB Broker), Seller, Buyer.
The owner has done zero marketing and has been running the shop on a part-time basis. The buyer has been in the automobile wholesale business for many year buying and selling front line automobiles from all over the country. Mainly selling to Franchise dealerships, providing inventory for their pre-owned departments and overseeing the reconditioning process to get vehicles ready for front line retail. The buyer has a Bachelor’s in Business Administration and will be running the business full time and plans to initiate a marketing and advertising campaign to boost sales.
The seller is retiring to go do his dream job, which is driving brand new yachts from the production facility to the new owner and training them how to do it. He was in an extreme rush to sell so that he didn’t miss this opportunity, and we made it happen for him. The business was sold within three months of going to market.