Buying or selling a business can be a complicated venture. While some businesses are sold without the help of accountants and attorneys we strongly recommend that both the buyer and seller engage professionals.
The E-2 process is quite complex. We have sold many businesses that required the E-2 visa. We have an E-2 visa attorney on staff or we recommend an outside consultant that specializes in obtaining visas. In additional, several of our agents have done E-2 transactions and can provide enough help to move you along the process.
CBB is generally paid by the seller not the buyer. However, other costs do come into play. Legal and accounting expenses may be incurred during due diligence should you employ professionals to assist you. Closing costs will be incurred at closing.
Depending on the complexities of the business, the former owner will offer varying levels of training. On most small businesses the owner will offer training for two to four weeks at no cost to the new owner.
As part of the acquisition process you will have to go through “due diligence.” During this period the seller is required to present documents to verify his profit numbers as well as any other information you request.
In most instances, no, While 100% of the purchase price is sometimes required, sellers will frequently provide owner financing to some extent. Additionally, a bank may be able to loan up to 80% of the purchase price through a loan sponsored the Small Business Administration (SBA). The business must meet certain criteria to qualify for SBA financing and the buyer must meet certain standards as well.
Businesses vary a great deal in price. The higher the amount of down payment, the more likely you will be in finding a business that meets your needs.