Houston Leads the Nation in Employment Growth for Metro Areas in U.S.
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ April 29, 2008 release, the Houston Metropolitan Area is still leading the nation in year over year job growth.
More proof that Texas is doing better than most states when it comes to economic worries is that the four major Texas cities are being called “recession proof”, according to Forbes.com April 29, 2008 article that lists Houston, San Antonio, Austin, and Dallas in the top ten most recession-proof cities in the nation. Among other things, Forbes looked at unemployment data and median home prices and credited affordable housing and continued falling unemployment rates.
Houston and the other Texas cities continue to outperform the national economy because we get down to business and have policies that have encouraged growth and the “hot business climate” we enjoy.
Metro Employment Growth Rankings – Bureau of Labor Statistics
Total Employment Growth (year over year)
Houston +80,100
New York +65,500
Dallas/FW +58,200
Seattle +35,700
Detroit -45,300
Los Angeles -35,300
Riverside -21,700
Miami -20,800
Employment Growth Rate of Metros with average employment above 750,000 (year over year)
Austin +2.9%
San Antonio +2.3%
Seattle +2.1%
Dallas/FW +2.0%